Nowadays, children face so many problems both at school and at home. Swimming can serve as a healthy outlet to help keep them physically and mentally fit. Not only is it one of the few non-contact activities that children can safely participate in, but swimming is scientifically proven to help reduce stress and anxiety. In fact, research shows that swimming [...]
Xa estamos a preparar a nova tempada de natación dende o Clube Natación Ferrol. Damos o pistoletazo de saída para que vos apuntedes as nosas escolas: 💥ABRIMOS INSCRICIÓNS -dende a web para os CURSOS da nova tempada 2021/2022 (para nenos/as e bebés). Se preferides facelo na oficina do Clube, sita no Pavillón Javier Gómez Noya de Caranza, estaremos a partires […]