COMPETICIÓN: CTO GALEGO ABSOLUTO E JUNIOR DE VERÁN LUGAR: PISCINA ROSARIO DUEÑAS, OURENSE DATAS: 16-18 DE XULLO DE 2021 ORGANIZA: CN PABELLÓN DE ORENSE – FEGAN Por razóns de cumprimento das medidas e restriccións de aforo covid o campionato celebrarase por separado as categorías masculina e femenina. CONVOCATORIA MASCULINA CONVOCATORIA FEMININA ENLACE WEB DO CAMPIONATO
Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. More and more people realize that practicing sports is good for their health and figure. Swimming stands out from other disciplines - it comprehensively develops a healthy, strong and athletic figure. Despite the many advantages and satisfaction of swimming training, it is often difficult to motivate yourself to go to [...]