Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. More and more people realize that practicing sports is good for their health and figure. Swimming stands out from other disciplines - it comprehensively develops a healthy, strong and athletic figure. Despite the many advantages and satisfaction of swimming training, it is often difficult to motivate yourself to go to [...]
COMPETICIÓN: FESTIVAL GALEGO DE PROMESAS DATA: 19/06/2021 LUGAR: COMPLEXO DEPORTIVO RÍAS DO SUR (PONTEVEDRA) LUGAR DE SAÍDA: Complexo deportivo Javier Gómez Noya hora de saída: 19 de xuño ás 14h HORARIO: 16H QUECEMENTO / 17H COMPETICIÓN ORGANIZA: Club Natación Galaico PROBAS Individuais: 50 libres, 50 costas, 50 braza, 50 bolboreta, 100 libres, 100 estilos, 50 Pés frecha RESULTADOS SERIES Nadadores convocados